HSMAI Career Center

HSMAI members listed “Acquiring and retaining qualified sales professionals” as one of their top challenges in the last two membership surveys. In an effort to assist members in attracting new talent to the hospitality sales and marketing profession, and in filling open positions, HSMAI is part of the Marketing Career Network (MCN) to enhance the HSMAI Career Center. The MCN is an alliance of trade and professional associations with a combined registered membership of over 100,000 marketing, advertising and sales professionals with reach to over 750,000 industry practitioners. The MCN includes a searchable resume database of nearly 27,000 resumes.

HSMAI members can post open positions that will automatically be listed on all MCN Partner Career Centers at no extra charge, and at significantly discounted rates. In addition HSMAI members now have access to exclusive Career Development resources, such as resume critique and career coaching services in the HSMAI Career Center. For more information go to https://careers.hsmai.org/jobseekers/.


Employment Resources

Arizona Job Connection

Login to the Arizona Job Connection website to create your online resume and search thousands of job openings throughout the state. Search from home, your mobile device, or in an ARIZONA@WORK resource room near you. Our ARIZONA@WORK workforce specialists are available to assist you with registering on Arizona Job Connection and to help you search for jobs. https://www.azjobconnection.gov/ada/r/job_seeker

ASU E-learning Opportunities

ASU has launched an expansive online learning platform called ASU for You, which offers a wide array of content, much of it at no cost, for learners of all ages. The site also provides resources for teachers and parents who are navigating teaching and learning at home

Unemployment Insurance Benefits

Access online Unemployment Insurance (UI) Benefits resources, report your weekly claim, and information about benefits. AZ PAU

Additional Resources for all staff regardless of department