Dear Prospective Venue,
We are excited and looking forward to a great 2023. HSMAI is committed to growing business for hotels and their partners by fueling sales, inspiring marketing and optimizing revenue.
As an association, we have made a commitment to continue to serve the hospitality community by giving back, supporting our members and having fun in the year ahead. We do anticipate to have all of our meetings and events to be in person in the upcoming year.
We would like to begin the selection process for our meeting and event space in 2023. We are committed to continuing to offer our members excellent education, professional growth opportunities and the ability to showcase your property or venue to our members.
All venues are welcome to submit a proposal. We offer three different levels of sponsorship. Please take a look at the details and the benefits of supporting the hospitality industry.
We look forward to bringing our Arizona HSMAI members to your location and appreciate your support!
All the very best,
Gerry Reed
HSMAI AZ President, 2023
2023 Meeting Dates & Times:
Thursday, July 20, 2023 – 4:00pm to 6:00pm
Thursday, September 21, 2023 – 4:00pm to 6:00pm
4:00pm – 4:30pm Registration, Networking, Bar/Beverages Available (cash/credit)
4:30pm – 5:45pm Updates, Member Spotlights, Networking, F&B
5:45pm- 6:00pm Raffles, Wrap Up
Attendance: Approximately 40 – 50 people
F&B/Set-Up Requirements:
All sponsorship packages include the following:
GOLD LEVEL: Sponsor the meal function to include ALL food and non-alcoholic beverages on a complimentary basis, and provide required audio-visual equipment.
SILVER LEVEL: Sponsor the meal function to include all food and non-alcoholic beverages at a discounted price of $15.00 inclusive for our meal and provide required audio-visual equipment.
BRONZE LEVEL: Sponsor the meal function to include all food and non-alcoholic beverages at a discounted price of $25.00 inclusive for our meal and provide required audio-visual equipment.
© HSMAI-AZ 2020 All rights reserved