Thursday, May 29, 2025 • 8:00 a.m. Shotgun Start
2400 E. Missouri Avenue • Phoenix 85016
18 holes of Spectacular Golf * Swag Bags for Golfers * Great Raffle Prizes * Awards Luncheon and More!
*Phone: () -
YES! We will be a sponsor of the 2025 HospitaliTee Golf Tournament.
This Title Sponsorship includes full naming rights to the Tournament, play and lunch for two foursomes (8 total), hole sponsor with table display, display one banner (sponsor provides) at registration and lunch, sponsor-logoed ball markers or poker chips (sponsor choice) in all swag bags, company name and logo on all printed material, company name and logo on the HSMAI website, company name and logo on all signage, tournament thanks and recognition at awards lunch, recognition through social media and e-marketing and the opportunity to supply items for the golfer swag bags.
Includes naming rights of the Party Tent on a designated hole, play and lunch for one foursome, display one banner (sponsor provides) at beer garden, hole sponsor with table display, company name on all printed material, special thanks and recognition at awards lunch, recognition on chapter website and e-marketing and the opportunity to supply items for the golfer swag bags.
Includes play and lunch for one foursome (4 total), hole sponsor with table display, company name on all printed material, special thanks and recognition at awards lunch, recognition on chapter website and e-marketing and the opportunity to supply items for the golfer swag bags.
Includes play and lunch for a twosome (2 total), hole sponsor with table display, company name on all printed material, recognition on chapter website and e-marketing and the opportunity to supply items for the golfer swag bags.
Includes hole sponsor with table display, company name on all printed material, recognition on chapter website and e-marketing and the opportunity to supply items for the golfer swag bags. (Lunch is not Included & must supply own shade on the course). Course will supply a six foot table and one chair.
Includes such sponsorships as Photography, Entertainment, Hole Challenges, Closest to the Pin, Longest Drive, Golf Shirt, Golf Hats, Golfer Gifts, Hole-in-One, Pin Flags, Putting Tournament, Golf Towels, etc.
If you are signing up as an In-Kind Sponsor donating Products/Services, please indicate what you are donating:
Value of Donation: $
I will pay by Credit Card Check In-kind/Swag Sponsorship Only - no payment
Deadline for reservations is Thursday, May 22nd, 2025. Cancellations must be in writing by e-mail.
No refunds after 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 22nd. Questions? Call Joanne Winter 602-647-3039.